
We have already introduced a quick example of binding a function in A first example start to finish; this section will go into more detail on how to generate pybind11 bindings for functions, including complications such as overloaded methods and C++ templates.

Ordinary and overloaded functions

Suppose we have a header defining the following functions that we wish to bind for Python:

double unique_function(int a, double b);
double overloaded_function(int a, int b, int c);
double overloaded_function(double a, double b, double c);

We can use PYB11Generator to bind these functions with a file containing the following code:

from PYB11Generator import *     # Necessary to get decorators

def unique_function():
    "This is a unique function prescription, and so requires no details about arguments or return types"

def overloaded_function(a = "int",
                        b = "int",
                        c = "int"):
    "This is the version of overloaded_function that takes ints"
    return "double"

def overloaded_function1(a = "double",
                         b = "double",
                         c = "double"):
    "This is the version of overloaded_function that takes doubles"
    return "double"

The first function unique_function is trivial, since it is unambiguous and can be wrapped with an unadorned C++ function pointer as shown in A first example start to finish. In this case PYB11Generator assumes the C++ function name is the same as the Python function name, and all is simple.

The overloaded functions take a bit more work. The first challenge is that Python does not support the concept of function overloading: two Python functions cannot have the same name. Therefore we need to use unique Python names for the C++ overloaded_function Python descriptions, which is why we define overloaded_function and overloaded_function1 in the source for PYB11Generator. In order to tell PYB11Generator that we really want to call overloaded_function1 overloaded_function in both the C++ and Python bindings, we use our first PYB11 decorator: PYB11pycppname. This decorator tells PYB11Generator that that function in question is really called overloaded_function in C++, and we wish the Python name in the resulting binding code to call this function overloaded_function in Python as well. This is actually two statements, and there are two PYB11 decorators that can do these individual tasks independently if needed (PYB11cppname and PYB11pyname): PYB11pycppname is simply a convenient shorthand combination to cover the common case of wanting to simultaneously rename the bound method for C++ and Python. For a full listing of the PYB11 decorators see PYB11 decorators.

Note we have also now specified the arguments and return types for both bindings of overloaded_function. This is required since the C++ functions are overloaded, and in order for the C++ compiler to distinguish which one we want it is necessary to fully specify the function signatures for the function pointers in the pybind11 binding code. PYB11Generator always checks the return value for a wrapped function: if a return value is present, it should be a string describing the C++ return type (as shown here, with both overloaded_function and overloaded_function1 returning the string value "double"). If such a return value is specified, PYB11Generator assumes a fully qualified C++ function pointer signature is required, and will also look for and generate the argument types as well. The function arguments should be named what the argument name will be in the resulting Python code, and set equal to a string with the C++ type of the argument as shown above for the overloaded_function descriptions. Note, a C++ void return value or argument should be set to the string "void" for PYB11Generator for such explicit specifications.

Default argument values

Another useful feature of pybind11 is the ability to specify default values for arguments to functions/methods in Python, and naturally PYB11Generator supports this feature as well. In order to specify a default value for an argument, we set the value of the argument in the Python binding code as a tuple, where the first element is a string describing the C++ type, and the second a string with the C++ default value. As an example suppose we wish to bind the following function that has two arguments (an int and a std::string):

void howToDrawADragon(int numberOfBeefyArms, std::string label name);

and we want to use the default values 1 and "Trogdor" for these arguments. The PYB11Generator code would then look like:

def howToDrawADragon(numberOfBeefyArms = ("int", "1"),
                     name = ("std::string", "Trogdor")):
    return "void"

C++ template functions

C++ templates present another challenge, as this another concept not found in Python. Suppose we wish to expose several instantiations of the following method:

template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB, typename ValueC>
transmogrify(const ValueA& x, const ValueB& y);

It is always possible to explicitly (and repetitively) define the function over and over again for each template instantiation combination of (ValueA, ValueB, ValueC), but we would rather write the prescription once and have the computer generate the necessary redundant code. PYB11Generator has such a facility: a template method can be defined with the @PYB11template decorator, which takes the template arguments as a set of string arguments. The function can then be instantiated as many times as needed using the function PYB11TemplateFunction. The complete PYB11Generator binding code then might look like:

from PYB11Generator import *     # Necessary to get decorators and PYB11TemplateFunction

@PYB11template("ValueA", "ValueB", "ValueC")
def transmogrify(x = "const %(ValueA)s&",
                 y = "const %(ValueB)s&"):
    "I'm sure this does something useful..."
    return "%(ValueC)s"

transmogrifyIntIntDouble = PYB11TemplateFunction(transmogrify, ("int", "int", "double"),             pyname="transmogrify")
transmogrifyI32I32I64    = PYB11TemplateFunction(transmogrify, ("uint32_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t"), pyname="transmogrify")

The first thing to note when defining a template function is that the template arguments can be used as Python string dictionary substitution variables, as shown above in the definition of transmogrify. Since we have defined the template parameters using the decorator @PYB11template("ValueA", "ValueB", "ValueC") we can use %(ValueA)s, %(ValueB)s, or %(ValueC)s in the body of the function, as we do in this case defining the arguments and return type.

Because we have decorated the transmogrify function with @PYB11template, PYB11 will not generate any pybind11 code directly from this function. Instead we must define instantiations of such template functions using the PYB11 function PYB11TemplateFunction. In this example we have created two such instantiations, and could continue making as many as we wish for different types. Note in this example we have made these different instantiations overloaded in Python by forcing them all to have the name transmogrify via the pyname="transmogrify" argument. This is not necessarily required: we must give each instantiation of the template a unique name in Python (transmogrifyIntIntDouble and transmogrifyI32I32I64 in this case), and if we are happy with those being the Python names of the wrapped results we need not specify pyname. Such unique names in Python are safest, in that which instantiation the user wants to call down the line in the wrapped library call is unambiguous, but often it is nicer to force the Python names to match the C++ as we do in this case.

For a full description of PYB11TemplateFunction see PYB11TemplateFunction().


In this example we have used the common case of C++ templates declared with typename (as in template<typename T1, typename T2>). However, for C++ templates can also use specialized parameters, such as

template<int T1, double T2> func(const double x);

In such cases we need need to specify these template parameters appropriately to PYB11Generator. This is done by explictly declaring the types of the template parameters in PYB11template:

@PYB11template("int T1", "double T2")
def func(x = "const double"):
    "What does this function do?"

Explicitly defining the binding implementation for a function

In some instances it is useful to take direct control of or modify how a given function is exposed to Python. PYB11Generator allows the user to directly specify what is passed in-place of the function pointer in such cases via the @PYB11implementation decorator. There are far too many possible use cases for this direct control to possibly discuss, but as an example suppose we have a function like the following that uses an exotic container type as an argument:

void ExoticContainer permutate(const ExoticContainer& c);

If pybind11 knows nothing about the ExoticContainer class, and we would rather expose this to Python using ordinary Python lists, we could use the following pattern to wrap a list based interface around permutate:

@PYB11implementation("""[](py::list c) -> py::list {
                                                     ExoticContainer ccopy;
                                                     for (const auto& x: c) ccopy.push_back(x);
                                                     py::list result;
                                                     for (const auto& x: ccopy) result.append(x);
                                                     return result;
def permutate(c = "py::list"):
    return "py::list"

The resulting pybind11 code is:

m.def("permutate", [](py::list c) -> py::list {
                                                 ExoticContainer ccopy;
                                                 for (const auto& x: c) ccopy.push_back(x);
                                                 py::list result;
                                                 for (const auto& x: ccopy) result.append(x);
                                                 return result;1
                                               }, "c"_a);

so as you can see @PYB11implementation allows the author to directly control the code inserted in the usual spot for a function pointer. Note that the argument spec is still generated ("c"_a in this example), including any default arguments defined as described above in Default argument values.

Preventing automatic casting of arguments

In C++ automatic casting of arguments which are implicitly convertible to a different type (such as calling a function that accepts a double argument with an int) is usually allowed. In pybind11 it is possible to prevent this behavior using the .noconvert() option to a Python argument, such as py::arg().noconvert(). PYB11Generator supports the idea of noconvert as well, though in a less granular fashion currently as it is used to decorate an entire function signature rather than individual arguments. For instance, if we wanted to bind the following method and ensure automatic conversions of the argument are prevented:

double munge_my_double(double x);

we can accomplish this using the @PYB11noconvert decorator:

def munge_my_double(x = "double"):
    return "double"

See the pybind11 discussion for more information.