PYB11 special functions and classes

This section describes the special functions and classes defined in PYB11Generator for use in createing python bindings. Note we use the convention that PYB11 internals always start with the PYB11 prefix.

PYB11generateModule(pymodule[, modname=None, filename=None])

Inspect the function and class definitions in pymodule, and write a C++ file containing pybind11 statements to bind those interfaces.

  • pymodule: the module to be introspected for the interface
  • modname: optionally specify a different name for the generated Python module to be imported under. Defaults to pymodule.
  • filename: a file name for the generated C++ file. If specified, the output is written to the given name, otherwise output will be written to
PYB11TemplateFunction(func_template, template_parameters[, cppname = None, pyname = None, docext = ""])

Instantiate a function template (func_template) that was decorated by @PYB11template.

  • func_template: The template function definition
  • template_parameters: A single string (for a single template parameter function) or tuple of strings (for multiple template parameters), one for each template parameter defined by @PYB11template on func_template.
  • cppname: The name of the C++ function template, if different from that used for func_template.
  • pyname: The name of the resulting Python function; defaults to the name of the instance created for this invocation of PYB11TemplateFunction.
  • docext: An optional string extension to be applied to the docstring associated with func_template.
PYB11attr([value=None, pyname=None])

Create an attribute in a module; corresponds to the pybind11 command attr.

  • value: define the C++ name this variable corresponds to. If None, defaults to the name of the local python variable.
  • pyname: define the generated python attribte name. If None, defaults to the name of the local python variable.
PYB11readwrite([static=False, pyname=None, cppname=None, returnpolicy=None, doc=None])

Define a readwrite class attribute; corresponds to pybind11 def_readwrite.

  • static: If True, specifies the bound attribute is static.
  • pyname: Optionally specify the Python name of the attribute. If None, assumes the Python name is the name of Python variable instance.
  • cppname: Optionally specify the C++ name of the attribute. If None, assumes the C++ name is the name of Python variable instance.
  • returnpolicy: Specify a special return policy for how to handle the memory of the return value. Read pybind11 documentation at Return value policies.
  • doc: Optionally give a docstring.
PYB11readonly([static=False, pyname=None, cppname=None, returnpolicy=None, doc=None])

Define a readonly class attribute; corresponds to pybind11 def_readonly.

  • static: If True, specifies the bound attribute is static.
  • pyname: Optionally specify the Python name of the attribute. If None, assumes the Python name is the name of Python variable instance.
  • cppname: Optionally specify the C++ name of the attribute. If None, assumes the C++ name is the name of Python variable instance.
  • returnpolicy: Specify a special return policy for how to handle the memory of the return value. Read pybind11 documentation at Return value policies.
  • doc: Optionally give a docstring.
PYB11property([returnType = None, getter = None, setter = None, doc = None, getterraw = None, setterraw = None, getterconst = True, setterconst = False, static = None, returnpolicy = None])

Helper to setup a class property.

  • returnType: Specify the C++ type of the property
  • getter: A string with the name of the getter method. If None, assumes the getter C++ specification looks like returnType (klass::*)() const.
  • setter: A string with the name of the setter method. If None, assumes the setter C++ specification looks like void (klass::*)(returnType& val).
  • doc: Specify a document string for the property.
  • getterraw: Optionally specify raw coding for the getter method. Generally this is used to insert a C++ lambda function. Only one of getter or getterraw may be specified.
  • setterraw: Optionally specify raw coding for the setter method. Generally this is used to insert a C++ lambda function. Only one of setter or setterraw may be specified.
  • getterconst: Specify if getter is a const method.
  • setterconst: Specify if setter is a const method.
  • static: If True, make this a static property.
  • returnpolicy: Specify a special return policy for how to handle the memory of the return value. Read pybind11 documentation at Return value policies.
PYB11TemplateMethod(func_template, template_parameters[, cppname = None, pyname = None, docext = ""])

Instantiate a class method (func_template) that was decorated by @PYB11template.

  • func_template: The template method definition
  • template_parameters: A single string (for a single template parameter method) or tuple of strings (for multiple template parameters), one for each template parameter defined by @PYB11template on func_template.
  • cppname: The name of the C++ method template, if different from that used for func_template.
  • pyname: The name of the resulting Python method; defaults to the name of the instance created for this invocation of PYB11TemplateMethod.
  • docext: An optional string extension to be applied to the docstring associated with func_template.
PYB11TemplateClass(klass_template, template_parameters[, cppname = None, pyname = None, docext = ""])

Instantiate a class template (klass_template) that was decorated by @PYB11template.

  • klass_template: The template class definition
  • template_parameters: A single string (for a single template parameter class) or tuple of strings (for multiple template parameters), one for each template parameter defined by @PYB11template on klass_template.
  • cppname: The name of the C++ class template, if different from that used for klass_template.
  • pyname: The name of the resulting Python class; defaults to the name of the instance created for this invocation of PYB11TemplateClass.
  • docext: An optional string extension to be applied to the docstring associated with klass_template.
PYB11enum(values[, name=None, namespace="", cppname=None, export_values=False, doc=None])

Declare a C++ enum for wrapping in pybind11 – see pybind11 docs.

  • values: a tuple of strings listing the possible values for the enum
  • name: set the name of enum type in Python. None defaults to the name of the instance given this enum declaration instance.
  • namespace: an optional C++ namespace the enum lives in.
  • cppname: the C++ name of the enum. None defaults to the same as name.
  • export_values: if True, causes the enum values to be exported into the enclosing scope (like an old-style C enum).
  • doc: an optional document string.
PYB11_bind_vector(element[, opaque=False, local=None])

Bind an STL::vector explicitly. This is essentially a thin wrapper around the pybind11 py::bind_vector function (see Binding STL containers).

  • element: the C++ element type of the std::vector
  • opaque: if True, causes the bound STL vector to be “opaque”, so elements can be changed in place rather than accessed as copies. See Binding STL containers.
  • local: determines whether the binding of the STL vector should be module local or not; once again, see Binding STL containers.
PYB11_bind_map(key, value[, opaque=False, local=None])

Bind an STL::map explicitly. This is a thin wrapper around the pybind11 py::bind_map function (see Binding STL containers).

  • key: the C++ key type
  • value: the C++ value type
  • opaque: if True, causes the bound STL map to be “opaque”, so elements can be changed in place rather than accessed as copies. See Binding STL containers.
  • local: determines whether the binding of the STL map should be module local or not; once again, see Binding STL containers.
PYB11_inject(fromcls, tocls[, virtual=None, pure_virtual=None])

Convenience method to inject methods from class fromcls into tocls. This is intended as a utility to help avoiding writing redundant methods common to many classes over and over again. Instead a convenience class can be defined containing the shared methods (typically screened from generation by @PYB11ignore), and then PYB11_inject is used to copy those methods into the target classes.

  • fromcls: Python class with methods we want to copy from.
  • tocls: Python class we’re copying methods to.
  • virtual: if True, force all methods we’re copying to be treated as virtual.
  • pure_virtual: if True, force all methods we’re copying to be treated as pure virtual.